The shipping cost is calculated based on the weight of the products ordered and the municipality of destination and will be indicated at checkout after entering the shipping address.
With at least € 100 of expenditure you get Free Shipping in Italy (excluding smaller islands and disadvantaged areas, for which the shipping cost will be calculated during checkout, after entering the destination postal code).
For shipments abroad, the shipping price is calculated based on the weight of the products ordered and the country of destination and will be indicated at checkout after entering the shipping address.
Minor islands and areas that are difficult to reach
The postal codes for which the shipping rate is applied even if the order is over 100 euros are: 04027, 07024, 09014, 30100, from 30121 to 30126, from 30132 to 30133, 30135, from 30141, 30142, from 57030 to 57034, from 57036 to 57039, 58012, 80071, from 80073 to 80077, 80079, 91017, 91023, 98055.
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